【7月28日(水)開催】HKTDC主催「Jewellery Twin Shows」ガイド付きツアー
Wed, Jul 28
|HK Exhibitions & Conventions Centre
この度、香港貿易発展局(HKTDC)より7月25日から7月29日まで香港コンベンション&エクスヒビションセンターで開催される「Jewellery Twin Shows」ガイド付きツアーの案内がございました。当会への会員特典として、HKTDCスタッフの方が7月28日(水)午前11時~12時の部のガイドツアーをご案内頂ける他、VIPラウンジの利用とHK$200の食事券がもらえる特典が付いております。参加ご希望の方は、事前にHKTDC所定登録フォームの提出が必要となりますので、7月7日までにお申込ください。

Jul 28, 2021, 10:50 AM – 1:00 PM GMT+8
HK Exhibitions & Conventions Centre, 1 Expo Dr, Wan Chai, 香港
●集合場所:Outside Harbour Road Cafe at HKCEC
●住所:Harbour Road Entrance, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, HK
We are pleased to inform you that the HKTDC Hong Kong International Diamond, Gem & Pearl Show and the HKTDC Hong Kong International Jewellery Show will make their long-awaited return as special editions in 2021 with both physical and online presence. The twin shows will be staged under one roof at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre from 25 to 29 July 2021, with online business matching service extended until 5 August 2021.
We cordially invite your members to visit the physical shows. To facilitate the group visit, we are pleased to offer the below exclusive visiting programme to your members:
1. Free admission badge with hassle-free admission arrangement;
2. VIP Card for free access to the exclusive VIP Lounge;
3. Complimentary 20-minute thematic guided tour to introduce the fairs’ featured products and zones (HK$200 Dining Voucher will be offered as a token of appreciation upon completion of the tour);
4. Invitation to official function (e.g. parade, seminar, etc. if visiting time allows);and
5. Complimentary admission to HKTDC International Sourcing Show featuring some 1,800 suppliers from multiple industries.