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【会場参加申込】8月16日(月)HKTDC主催「Food Expo 2021」ガイド付きツアー

Mon, Aug 16


HK Exhibitions & Conventions Centre

この度、香港貿易発展局(HKTDC)より8月12日から16日まで香港コンベンション&エクスヒビションセンターで開催される「Food Expo 2021」ガイド付きツアーの案内がございました。当会への会員特典として、HKTDCスタッフの方が8月16日(月)午前10時~11時の部のガイドツアーをご案内頂ける他、HK$200の食事券がもらえる特典が付いております。香港和僑会員および会員紹介ゲストの方が参加可能なイベントとなりますので、本イベントへ興味のありそうなゲストの方にもお声がけください。

【会場参加申込】8月16日(月)HKTDC主催「Food Expo 2021」ガイド付きツアー
【会場参加申込】8月16日(月)HKTDC主催「Food Expo 2021」ガイド付きツアー


Aug 16, 2021, 9:50 AM – 12:00 PM GMT+8

HK Exhibitions & Conventions Centre, 1 Expo Dr, Wan Chai, 香港



●集合場所:Outside Harbour Road Kitchen (港灣茶餐廳) at HKCEC

●住所:Harbour Road Entrance, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, HK





Organised by Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the HKTDC Food Expo will be staged on 12-16 August 2021 in both online and physical formats, to offer a flexible arrangement for businesses to explore and identify opportunities.

With a vast array of the industry’s latest and greatest, the fair will continue to offer excellent opportunities for food distributors, importers, supermarkets, hotels, restaurant chains to source a wide range of food products, which caters to different sourcing needs and allows global buyers and visitors to re-start and make new connections with exhibitors in food & beverage.

We cordially invite your members to visit the physical shows including HKTDC Food Expo, HKTDC HK International Tea Fair, HKTDC Home Delights Expo, HKTDC Beauty & Wellness Expo & HKTDC HK International Wine & Spirits Fair (Special Edition).  To facilitate the group visit of your members to the fair, we are pleased to offer below exclusive visit programme to your association member.

Ø 2 Complimentary tickets for each member

Ø Complimentary business matching service (please refer to appendix 1)

Ø Complimentary 30-minute thematic guided tour to introduce the fairs’ featured products and zones (HK$200 Dining Voucher will be offered as a token of appreciation after completion of tour);



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